Did you know you can’t discuss ratings on your social networks? If you don’t think it’s a big deal, ask Oprah, who was under fire from Nielsen for tweeting “Every 1 who can please turn to OWN especially if u have a Nielsen box” last month.
Arbitron’s updated policy Social Media Do’s & Dont’s lists ways you can preserve respondent anonymity, avoid rating distortion (any station activity that may affect the way diary keepers record listening) and rating bias (any activity that may prompt a station’s listeners to participate in Arbitron’s survey).
This would include thanking listeners for a successful ratings book. Arbitron thinks this may encourage listeners to reveal that they were part of the survey, compromising anonymity.
Arbitron monitors both station and air talent social media accounts, so check out the policy here to ensure you’re in compliance.
-written for The Randy Lane Company Content Ideas
Good heads up post Stephanie although one would think Oprah might have known better. I look forward to the day when I might need to worry about Arbitron paying attention to what I’m saying on my show.
True about Oprah but I guess it’s proof none of us are above making a mistake!