This is the final part to a four part series called “The Challenges of Marrying Radio and Digital. Here are the other parts to the series:
Challenge #1: Accepting Change
Challenge #3: Staffing and Time
How can we monetize social media, mobile apps, streaming, the station website, etc.? If we can’t monetize these efforts directly, what evidence exists that they will increase ratings? These are the questions weighing heavily on the minds of managers.
As we adapt to technology’s changing landscape, we will be searching and testing ROI solutions that are well-integrated within each platform. Some digital platforms are more easily monetized than others; it’s these “others” that create a dilemma. Opportunities for monetization will emerge as we gain experience and achieve results with each digital platform.
For example, while social media was once viewed as a necessary platform that couldn’t generate revenue, many stations are now getting creative with custom social media contests and promotions that tie-in clients anxious to capitalize on radio’s success with Facebook and Twitter.
Addressing our challenges is the first step in creating a roadmap for our future in digital. If I missed any challenges you face in this series, please leave a comment below.
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