October 28, 2010
It’s no longer enough to just have Facebook and Twitter accounts for your station
or show— you have to build your Marketing strategy around them.
Social networking sites give you the ability to connect with your listeners on a
personal level in real time. This personal interaction becomes the brand in the
minds of listeners, so make sure your responses are frequent and sincere.
The secret to keeping your online fans happy is to build a relationship based on
value. You give them something of value with contesting and content, and you
make them feel valued by listening to their opinions and frequently responding to
their comments.
To ensure that your fans feel valued, thank them frequently with exclusive
contests and promotions. You can give away local concert or movie tickets, or give them secret hints to on-air contests. You can launch a viral logo campaign, rewarding listeners who change their profile picture to yours. You can enhance your street team promotions by giving listeners clues to your location using pictures and cryptic hints. You can
ask a question about what was just said on-air and reward the first listeners who
know the answer. Creativity will keep their eyes peeled every time you tweet or
update your status.
Focus on keeping your existing fans and followers happy, and not on acquiring
new ones. Let your listeners do your Marketing for you — if they feel connected,
they will spread the word, and your following will increase naturally.
– written for The Randy Lane Company at randylane.net
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