In a post back in 2012, I talked about the power of Twitter for show prep and shared a list of accounts that regularly tweet show-worthy content.
A client mentioned to Randy how helpful this list was this week (she’s still using it two years later!), and it dawned on me that it might be worth sharing again now that more of you are on Twitter. Here’s an updated list of Twitter accounts to follow for show prep inspiration:
Anderson Cooper @AndersonCooper
Ask Men @AskMen
Breaking News @BreakingNews
Bro Bible @BroBible
Buzzfeed @BuzzFeed
Buzz Sugar @BuzzSugar
CNN Breaking News @CNNbrk
Daily Beast @thedailybeast
Daily Mail @MailOnline
Deadspin @Deadspin
Drudge Report @Drudge_Report
E! Online @eonline
Entertainment Weekly @EW
Esquire @Esquiremag
Funny or Die @funnyordie
Gawker @Gawker
Guyism @guyism
Huffington Post @huffingtonpost
iVillage @iVillage
Jezebel @Jezebel
Mom Logic @momlogic
Mommyish @Mommyishdotcom
MTV News @MTVnews
Newser @Newser
People @peoplemag
Radar Online @GossipRadar
Redbook @Redbookmag
Reuters @Reuters
Rolling Stone @RollingStone
Slate @Slate
The Smoking Jacket @ThisIsTSJ
The Stir @The_Stir
The Today Show @todayshow
Tressugar @popsugarlove
VH1 @VH1
Yahoo Shine @YahooShine
YourTango @YourTango
Scott Sands Media @scottsandsmedia
The Randy Lane Company @TheRandyLaneCo*
Stephanie Winans @StephanieWinans*
For a faster way to follow these accounts, click here to view and subscribe to our Twitter lists in one click. Choose from this master list or individual lists with these accounts organized by category. Did we forget a good one? Comment below with your additions!
*Shameless self-promotion. But really, follow us.
Photo credit: Flickr/wonderferret
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